April 18, 2011

my very good friend and constant collaborator Luca Zamoc has finally put up the english version of his great short graphic novel "The man who talked to himself". It's a fantastic piece of graphic storytelling that deals with self-analysis, women, art and, well, dicks. no, not dicks, just a dick. his.
ok, this is the awkward moment where i step aside and just let you, my most welcome reader, check out the pdf version of the comic below (make sure you go full screen).

April 16, 2011

i think that the time has come to share a little excerpt from my documentary Megunica, which is a film I directed a couple years ago about a trip taken by me and a team of other filmmakers with artist Blu through Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Argentina. this scene is taken from the Guatemala segment of the trip.

April 14, 2011

i finally uploaded on Vimeo the video i did last year for icelandic band For a Minor Reflection. the song is called "A Moll". take a look if you haven't done already.

March 25, 2011

UPDATED: i created the page dedicated to the video in the music videos section, complete with behind the scenes images. check it out!
Visiting NYC, trying to (hopelessly) find some rest in body and mind. Meanwhile, one of the two real heroes of my Metronomy video (animators/directors Max Winston and John Joyce) has put up online a nice montage of time-lapses of them animating the seagulls. Look at them suspenders, they clearly tell who was boss on set.
p.s: come back soon for full credits and more behind the scenes material.

March 12, 2011

even happier to let you guys know that the Metronomy music video I've been working on in the last few weeks is coming together very nicely. We shot lots of stop motion here in LA and I flew to London for a couple days to shoot the band, whose members are lovely and have good taste in dressing.
here's two pictures of the two stages. different scales, same video. small, big. good and even better.

February 25, 2011

very happy to let you guys know that I'm currently pre-producing the music video for the new Metronomy single, The Look. we'll shoot in LA and London. It will be fun and difficult and tiring and exciting and merciless just like all the other times.
on an unrelated note, i just found out this artist has started working in front of my house. can't wait to have mine done, but looks like I need to find a good cape first.