Director: Lorenzo Fonda
Client: Police Agency: United 1861
Production: Mercurio
Executive producer: Luca Fanfani
Producer: Priscila Benatti, Lorenzo Fonda
Actors: Ryan Reyes, Genevieve Jones, Pietro Allazetta, Monica Ganio, Marco Brandoli, Miguel “Carrito” Rivero
Director of photography: Brad Hasse
Music: Squeakeclean
Sound design: Andres Velasquez
Visual effects: Markus Wagner
Production designer: Pietro Allazzetta, Marco Brandoli
Police is an italian eyewear brand. United 1861 was creating a campaign that invited people to send their own videos showing how they are “unique”. They needed a beacon video that was going to set the tone of the campaign and challenge users to make something a bit more creative than just a simple video. Their idea was a contest between three friends on who peed the farthest. Since I was living in LA at the time, the producer suggested I could use the desert to set the story in. It didn’t take me long to make the connection with Sergio Leone’s films, and the scenes came together easily after.
This short film for a sunglasses company taught me two things: one, protect your neck from the sun. Two, next time you direct and produce a short film in the desert, think twice.
We found a location that screamed “STAY AWAY” but no, we didn’t listen.
Me giving some peeing directions to lead actor.
Four grown up adults trying to make a water gun work to simulate pee in the middle of the desert- what could go wrong?
The crew, getting tanned.