my very good friend and constant collaborator Luca Zamoc has finally put up the english version of his great short graphic novel "The man who talked to himself". It's a fantastic piece of graphic storytelling that deals with self-analysis, women, art and, well, dicks. no, not dicks, just a dick. his.
ok, this is the awkward moment where i step aside and just let you, my most welcome reader, check out the pdf version of the comic below (make sure you go full screen).

ok, this is the awkward moment where i step aside and just let you, my most welcome reader, check out the pdf version of the comic below (make sure you go full screen).

i think that the time has come to share a little excerpt from my documentary Megunica, which is a film I directed a couple years ago about a trip taken by me and a team of other filmmakers with artist Blu through Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Argentina. this scene is taken from the Guatemala segment of the trip.